Where do I sign? 5 Carrds for Taking Action

Sarita Farnelli
2 min readJun 17, 2020

During a seemingly endless wave of crises, carrd.co has become a go-to tool for making up-to-date, accessible and “bite-sized” websites sharing links to petitions, fundraisers and educational resources. Here is a roundup of five Carrds that offer action plans to help communities and families in crisis:

  1. BlackLivesMatters.carrd.coBeautifully organized and straight to the point, this Carrd was created by a 17 year old student and includes translated versions for accessibility.
  2. YemenCrisis.carrd.coInformation-packed and full of options for those concerned about the current state of affairs in Yemen, this Carrd lists articles, petitions and donation links along with a template to email the United Nations.
  3. PendingPetition.carrd.coThis is a routinely updated list of petitions that are still short of their signature goal. Each petition focuses specifically on individuals who have been murdered or terrorized for being Black.
  4. Signatures.carrd.coAnother list of petitions in need of signatures, but this one is primarily focused on those that are close to their goal. It also includes a number of direct donation links to individuals in need.
  5. PleaseHelpSignThese.carrd.coFor globally minded petition signers, this Carrd directs traffic to causes including Black Lives Matter, Polish LGBT+ oppression, the Syrian refugee crisis and more.



Sarita Farnelli

Sarita Farnelli is a journalist and editor based in Richmond, Virginia.